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Topic: Global and international business contexts

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SM0269 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Read every sentence very carefully in the Assignment Brief and make sure you have gone through the Research Strategy for the Assignment slides available on the module Blackboard.

Individual Assignment (100%)

Q1 – What do I need to know about the submission process?

Your individual assignment should clearly address all tasks (3 parts) explained in the brief. The submitted work should be presented professionally and handed in via the Undergraduate Programme Office. An electronic version of your assignment must also be submitted via the Turnitin FINAL SUBMISSION link before submission of the hard copy to the UG office. Each hard copy of the assignment must be accompanied by an Assessed Work Form, which must be completed in full. The assignment will not be accepted by the Undergraduate Programme Office unless the form is completed correctly. Marked assignments will be returned to students. It is advisable to retain a copy of your assignment for you own records. Your mark will be returned on the Assessed Work Form via the Undergraduate Programme Office.

Q2 – When is the hand in date?

The hand in date is 12noon 07/01/2016. For late submission policy please follow the link provided in the ASSESSMENT section of the blackboard.
Q3 – Is the marking on the module anonymous?

Yes. However, you must clearly indicate your student number and the module code and title (SM0269 Global and International Business Contexts) on your submitted work.

Q4 – What are the word limits and penalties for assignments?

The word limit for the overall assignment is 3600 words. It is your decision how many words you are going to use for each part of the assignment. If the assignment is within +10% of the stated word limit no penalty will apply.
The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment cover sheet. The word count does not include: Title and Contents page, Reference list, Appendices, Appropriate tables, figures and illustrations, Glossary, Bibliography.
Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-dab nonsense analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count. If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARNA page 30 Section 3.4 this will be regarded as academic misconduct.
If the word limit of the full assignment exceeds the +10% limit, 10% of the mark provisionally awarded to the assignment will be deducted. For example: if the assignment is worth 70 marks but is above the word limit by more than 10%, a penalty of 7 marks will be imposed, giving a final mark of 63.

Q5 – What shall I do if I can’t keep within the word limit?
Put any additional information that reinforces and supplements your analysis in appendices (maximum 5 pages), BUT you must draw the reader’s attention to it in the appropriate place in the main body of your report and concentrate on only the most important findings from that analysis in the main body of your report. This is a “balancing act”, which you need to master and will also be needed when you do your final year assignments and your dissertation.

Q6 – How to write a report?

A report should be structured in such a way that the reader can find information anywhere in the report very quickly and so the information should be divided into sections; sometimes a numbering system is used too. Use headings for each section and subsection. It is essential that you reference all the sources of information in your report using the APA method. PAY ATTENTAION TO THE IN-TEXT CITATION IN YOUR WORK!!! There is a guide on how to write effective reports in the Library Skills section.
Q7 – What writing style should I use?

Avoid using long and complex sentences, instead, keep it simple by keeping your sentences short. Write in paragraphs which have one main point that you introduce, expand on and then summarise before moving on. Write words out in full, no abbreviations – for example, write ‘do not’ instead of ‘don’t’. Avoid using jargon – use plain English. If it is necessary to use technical terms you could include a glossary. Use past tense and third person. There should be no first person references (I, we, us) in the report. If self-reference is required, you may refer to yourself as “the author” or “this report”.
Q8 – What are “theoretical frameworks”?

Theoretical frameworks are analytical concepts/models/tools studied on the module such as Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, Political Risk Assessment model, PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, PLC, four Ps, etc. that help us to make sense of and analyse the information we gather (e.g. about a market or industry) in a clear, structured and systematic way. They enable us to break down the information into recognisable categories, which we can analyse. Having done that, we can look holistically at the full set of information and get a clearer overall picture.

Q9 – Do I need to use other frameworks together with the PND model?

The choice of the additional frameworks studied on the module is your individual decision. Any frameworks that would increase the quality of your analytical report and make it more robust and rigorous should be used within the relevant (six) sections of the PND model. There is no need to introduce/describe the theories/concepts you are using, just go into the analysis/application of the frameworks or their relevant parts, but remember that the main framework in Part 1 is the PND model, so whatever you discuss in addition should be incorporated into the diamond.

Q10 – What do I need to know about Kraft Foods Group? Do I have to involve Krafts Food in every section of the diamond saying how this will affect them personally?

The focus of your analysis in ALL parts of your report should be on the external business environment, formal and informal institutional factors, country competiveness and investment attractiveness. In your analytical report based on good quality research and application of the studied frameworks it should be clearly explained what the current conditions of doing business in GREEK WINE INDUSTRY are for a multinational company that wants to make wine in Greece. Any specific details about the company itself should be kept to a minimum.

Q11 – In the assignment brief it says “all the figures, charts and tables used in the main body of the report must be explained and justified”. I was just wondering what this means?

It simply means that you should explain the data in the tables, charts, etc. and not just place a figure or a table without properly discussing it, thus leaving the reader to guess about the reasons why it is used in the report. You can always use the appendices if you run out space, however you must direct the reader to them and discuss all the key points in the main body of the report.

Q12 – Can I use Google and search engines together with NORA for my research?
You can use any information that is useful, helpful and applicable for addressing the tasks in the assignment. However, you have to be critical about the nature of the sources and the origin of the information used in your analytical discussion. Make sure you use only reliable and authoritative sources in the report.
Q13 – I am trying to find research on the Greek wine industry using EuroMonitor (Passport) database, however when I try to view reports they ask me to purchase them. Is there any way to do this differently?

You need to access all resources and databases available via Nora either being on campus or through Simply Web (Desktop Anywhere). In this way all the information should be available to you for free.

Q14 – Would you recommend writing an abstract for the assignment? And how long should the introduction and conclusion be?

No abstract needed. Keep the introduction and conclusion to the minimum and concentrate on the analysis and application of the knowledge received on the module into practice.

Q15 – Can I apply Porter’s National Diamond on the negative side on how it will make the country and the industry less competitive?

It is your expert opinion and analysis of the ease of doing business conditions, as long as you apply the model in accordance with the Porter’s theory and description, justify all your points and back everything up with good quality references. Make sure you have read chapter 10 in the book by Rugman and Collinson and “The competitive Advantages of Nations” by M. Porter (see week 6 reading in the TLP). Once you have understood the elements of the single diamond you need do research on Greek wine industry and apply the PND to it.
Q16 – In part 2 Market Entry Strategy of the assignment do we have to recommend an equity mode as an entry strategy to Greece? Or can we also recommend to not enter the market at all because of the economic and political risks etc.?

Not entering is not a mode of entry! You need to discuss the advantages, appropriateness and limitations of using equity (FDI) modes as an entry strategy to Greece using the studied materials on the module. If you are convinced that they should not enter, focus your analytical discussion on and explanation of the negative points (disadvantages) rather then justifying positive outcomes (advantages) of either joint ventures or wholly owned subsidiaries. Make sure that your reasoning is based on the current research findings and you provide clear recommendations to the board of directors on what type of FDI mode should be used by the company for the operations in the Greek wine industry.

Q17 – I am into part 3 of my assignment but I am starting to struggle. I just don’t think that what I’m writing is very analytical because I just feel like I’m repeating everything I’ve said in part 1. What exactly should be discussed in Part 3?

As an expert/consultant in international business management it is entirely up to you what two key issues (potential problems, challenges, risks) in Greece the directors of the multinational company should be aware of, if they want to invest and do business there, the only condition is that you have to explain them properly, clearly using research and references. These two issues should fall into and be related to the topics/areas covered on the module! For example, if you consider formal institutions and governance standards to be problematic than you could provide an additional political risk assessment using the materials studied during the semester.

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Topic: Global and international business contexts

Order Description

SM0269 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Read every sentence very carefully in the Assignment Brief and make sure you have gone through the Research Strategy for the Assignment slides available on the module Blackboard.

Individual Assignment (100%)

Q1 – What do I need to know about the submission process?

Your individual assignment should clearly address all tasks (3 parts) explained in the brief. The submitted work should be presented professionally and handed in via the Undergraduate Programme Office. An electronic version of your assignment must also be submitted via the Turnitin FINAL SUBMISSION link before submission of the hard copy to the UG office. Each hard copy of the assignment must be accompanied by an Assessed Work Form, which must be completed in full. The assignment will not be accepted by the Undergraduate Programme Office unless the form is completed correctly. Marked assignments will be returned to students. It is advisable to retain a copy of your assignment for you own records. Your mark will be returned on the Assessed Work Form via the Undergraduate Programme Office.

Q2 – When is the hand in date?

The hand in date is 12noon 07/01/2016. For late submission policy please follow the link provided in the ASSESSMENT section of the blackboard.
Q3 – Is the marking on the module anonymous?

Yes. However, you must clearly indicate your student number and the module code and title (SM0269 Global and International Business Contexts) on your submitted work.

Q4 – What are the word limits and penalties for assignments?

The word limit for the overall assignment is 3600 words. It is your decision how many words you are going to use for each part of the assignment. If the assignment is within +10% of the stated word limit no penalty will apply.
The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment cover sheet. The word count does not include: Title and Contents page, Reference list, Appendices, Appropriate tables, figures and illustrations, Glossary, Bibliography.
Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-dab nonsense analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count. If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARNA page 30 Section 3.4 this will be regarded as academic misconduct.
If the word limit of the full assignment exceeds the +10% limit, 10% of the mark provisionally awarded to the assignment will be deducted. For example: if the assignment is worth 70 marks but is above the word limit by more than 10%, a penalty of 7 marks will be imposed, giving a final mark of 63.

Q5 – What shall I do if I can’t keep within the word limit?
Put any additional information that reinforces and supplements your analysis in appendices (maximum 5 pages), BUT you must draw the reader’s attention to it in the appropriate place in the main body of your report and concentrate on only the most important findings from that analysis in the main body of your report. This is a “balancing act”, which you need to master and will also be needed when you do your final year assignments and your dissertation.

Q6 – How to write a report?

A report should be structured in such a way that the reader can find information anywhere in the report very quickly and so the information should be divided into sections; sometimes a numbering system is used too. Use headings for each section and subsection. It is essential that you reference all the sources of information in your report using the APA method. PAY ATTENTAION TO THE IN-TEXT CITATION IN YOUR WORK!!! There is a guide on how to write effective reports in the Library Skills section.
Q7 – What writing style should I use?

Avoid using long and complex sentences, instead, keep it simple by keeping your sentences short. Write in paragraphs which have one main point that you introduce, expand on and then summarise before moving on. Write words out in full, no abbreviations – for example, write ‘do not’ instead of ‘don’t’. Avoid using jargon – use plain English. If it is necessary to use technical terms you could include a glossary. Use past tense and third person. There should be no first person references (I, we, us) in the report. If self-reference is required, you may refer to yourself as “the author” or “this report”.
Q8 – What are “theoretical frameworks”?

Theoretical frameworks are analytical concepts/models/tools studied on the module such as Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, Political Risk Assessment model, PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, PLC, four Ps, etc. that help us to make sense of and analyse the information we gather (e.g. about a market or industry) in a clear, structured and systematic way. They enable us to break down the information into recognisable categories, which we can analyse. Having done that, we can look holistically at the full set of information and get a clearer overall picture.

Q9 – Do I need to use other frameworks together with the PND model?

The choice of the additional frameworks studied on the module is your individual decision. Any frameworks that would increase the quality of your analytical report and make it more robust and rigorous should be used within the relevant (six) sections of the PND model. There is no need to introduce/describe the theories/concepts you are using, just go into the analysis/application of the frameworks or their relevant parts, but remember that the main framework in Part 1 is the PND model, so whatever you discuss in addition should be incorporated into the diamond.

Q10 – What do I need to know about Kraft Foods Group? Do I have to involve Krafts Food in every section of the diamond saying how this will affect them personally?

The focus of your analysis in ALL parts of your report should be on the external business environment, formal and informal institutional factors, country competiveness and investment attractiveness. In your analytical report based on good quality research and application of the studied frameworks it should be clearly explained what the current conditions of doing business in GREEK WINE INDUSTRY are for a multinational company that wants to make wine in Greece. Any specific details about the company itself should be kept to a minimum.

Q11 – In the assignment brief it says “all the figures, charts and tables used in the main body of the report must be explained and justified”. I was just wondering what this means?

It simply means that you should explain the data in the tables, charts, etc. and not just place a figure or a table without properly discussing it, thus leaving the reader to guess about the reasons why it is used in the report. You can always use the appendices if you run out space, however you must direct the reader to them and discuss all the key points in the main body of the report.

Q12 – Can I use Google and search engines together with NORA for my research?
You can use any information that is useful, helpful and applicable for addressing the tasks in the assignment. However, you have to be critical about the nature of the sources and the origin of the information used in your analytical discussion. Make sure you use only reliable and authoritative sources in the report.
Q13 – I am trying to find research on the Greek wine industry using EuroMonitor (Passport) database, however when I try to view reports they ask me to purchase them. Is there any way to do this differently?

You need to access all resources and databases available via Nora either being on campus or through Simply Web (Desktop Anywhere). In this way all the information should be available to you for free.

Q14 – Would you recommend writing an abstract for the assignment? And how long should the introduction and conclusion be?

No abstract needed. Keep the introduction and conclusion to the minimum and concentrate on the analysis and application of the knowledge received on the module into practice.

Q15 – Can I apply Porter’s National Diamond on the negative side on how it will make the country and the industry less competitive?

It is your expert opinion and analysis of the ease of doing business conditions, as long as you apply the model in accordance with the Porter’s theory and description, justify all your points and back everything up with good quality references. Make sure you have read chapter 10 in the book by Rugman and Collinson and “The competitive Advantages of Nations” by M. Porter (see week 6 reading in the TLP). Once you have understood the elements of the single diamond you need do research on Greek wine industry and apply the PND to it.
Q16 – In part 2 Market Entry Strategy of the assignment do we have to recommend an equity mode as an entry strategy to Greece? Or can we also recommend to not enter the market at all because of the economic and political risks etc.?

Not entering is not a mode of entry! You need to discuss the advantages, appropriateness and limitations of using equity (FDI) modes as an entry strategy to Greece using the studied materials on the module. If you are convinced that they should not enter, focus your analytical discussion on and explanation of the negative points (disadvantages) rather then justifying positive outcomes (advantages) of either joint ventures or wholly owned subsidiaries. Make sure that your reasoning is based on the current research findings and you provide clear recommendations to the board of directors on what type of FDI mode should be used by the company for the operations in the Greek wine industry.

Q17 – I am into part 3 of my assignment but I am starting to struggle. I just don’t think that what I’m writing is very analytical because I just feel like I’m repeating everything I’ve said in part 1. What exactly should be discussed in Part 3?

As an expert/consultant in international business management it is entirely up to you what two key issues (potential problems, challenges, risks) in Greece the directors of the multinational company should be aware of, if they want to invest and do business there, the only condition is that you have to explain them properly, clearly using research and references. These two issues should fall into and be related to the topics/areas covered on the module! For example, if you consider formal institutions and governance standards to be problematic than you could provide an additional political risk assessment using the materials studied during the semester.

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